Uwaga hydrografowie – operatorzy sonarów

Wydawnictwo „Sea Technology” i firma Chesapeake Technology organizują „konkurs” związany z prezentacją uzyskanych ciekawych obrazów sonarowych. Warto zapoznać się z jego treścią. Uwaga – termin tylko do 22 maja 2012 r. 

DG, 13.05.2012 

All you need to do is send me your best sonar image for Sea Technology’s  June 2012 issue which will focus on „Seafloor Mapping, Sonar Systems, and Vessels”.

Sea Technology would like a recent, vertically oriented action shot that will be applicable to this issue’s theme.  Please feel free to review the editorial calendar at www.sea-technology.com for other editorial themes that may be germane to your company.

Cover candidates should be submitted at a resolution of at least 300 dpi and at a size of 8 x 11 inches with a caption of no more than 50 words to accompany each photo, detailing what the image is, who took it, when it was taken, etc.    The image can be in the following file formats:  JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, BMP, or PDF.

Please send the image (and caption) to:

User Name: whitewhale
Password:  QueeQueg$77

(We have a handy PDF giving a connection and file transfer example using FileZilla … please contact us at support@chesapeaketech.com if you need help sending in files!)

Please e-mail us separately to tell us the name of the files you send up, thanks!

We need the images by the close of business Tuesday, May 22nd.

Thank you.
Eileen Gann